About Us
Marina Shatalov, a native Russian speaker, was born in Moscow. After school she studied at the State Linguistic University, graduated with CUM LAUDE. She is a professional linguist, translator/interpreter and a teacher of languages. After University she worked as a translator, interpreter and language teacher at various companies, including a Russian-American Joint Venture and South African Embassy in Russia.
In 1994 she came to stay to South Africa where she set a company offering language services. For 25 years she has been providing professional translation and interpretation services to various clients as well as teaching of languages.
Marina is passionate about languages and linguistics. Trying to provide the best possible services. She always studies the fields of science and technology where she would have to provide translation services in advance to be able to use correct terminology and understand the basics of the topics to be discussed or translated.
The list of conferences where Marina Shatalov worked as simultaneous interpreter shows the wide range of topics and subjects where she has knowledge and experience: from atomic energy to mining, from academic research and development to safety.
She was invited several times to work at UN conferences which require high level of competence in languages and broad knowledge in various fields.
Marina sees her mission in life as support to establish understanding and communication between different people and countries. Interpreter is a very important figure in any negotiations and talks though sometimes people do not understand or value it. A lot depends on the interpreter/translator and his/her ability to convey the right message with the correct connotation. People do not realize that an interpreter can either save or ruin any talks.
Choose the right interpreter and your business, reputation and success are guaranteed.

The list of conferences where Marina Shatalov worked vas simultaneous interpreter shows the wide range of topics and subjects where she has knowledge and experience: from atomic energy to mining, from academic research and development to safety.
She was invited several times to work at UN conferences which requires high level of competence in languages.
The most important event recently was the BRICS forum in the framework of which a number of conferences were held. Most Departments had meetings and conferences to exchange experience and discuss cooperation in their professional area. Simultaneous interpreters worked there and interpreted from and into Russian, Chinese and Portuguese to provide uninterrupted flow of the discussions and presentations. The interpreters sitting in the booths behind the audience are not even seen but without them the communication between participants would not be possible. Conference organizers realize that and always thank the interpreters at the end of conferences acknowledging their vital role in the international cooperation.